
Welcome to my blog! My name is Jeremy and I’m in my 40s, originally from Singapore. I left my career in finance in the funds industry to pursue self-discovery, as well as my love for cooking and baking.

Throughout my career, I gained valuable experience in private equity investments, venture capital, and investment banking. I’ve worked on a variety of deals, from early-stage startups to multi-billion dollar transactions.

I always found solace in the kitchen. Cooking and baking became a creative outlet for me, and I would often spend my weekends experimenting with new recipes and techniques. I hope that my passion for food can turn into a second career.

Now, I’m excited to share my love for cooking and baking with you through this blog. I’ll be sharing recipes, cooking tips, and insights into the world of food and culinary arts.

But don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about my roots in finance and investments. I’ll also be sharing my knowledge and experiences in those fields.

Whether you’re an aspiring investor, an entrepreneur, or simply a food lover, there’s something for everyone on this blog. Thank you for joining me on this journey, and I look forward to connecting with you through this blog!

You can reach out to me below and I will reply to you at my soonest.

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